JP Corporation - Precision in Machining
JP Corporation - Machining in Beech Grove, Indianapolis, Indiana

Supplier Quality Manual
General Terms and Conditions of Purchase


  1. The purpose of this procedure is to set forth the general quality requirements that must be followed by suppliers of direct material or services to JP Corp. (purchaser).
  2. The intent of this procedure is to ensure that:
    1. All purchased materials or services meets or exceeds the quality requirements of JP Corp., and its customers and
    2. The quality systems requirements imposed by JP Corp., on its suppliers are communicated in a logical and easily understood format.


  1. This procedure applies in total to all suppliers of direct materials, parts, and services to JP Corp.


  1. Documentation: Defined as all written correspondence and records related and pertaining to the manufacture of a product
  2. Nonconforming: Any component containing one or more defective characteristics is considered to be nonconforming
  3. Purchaser: JP Corp. and/or JPC

Associated Documents

  1. F-840-002 Approved Supplier List
  2. F-840-005 Purchase Order
  3. P-820 Customer Related Processes
  4. P-840 Control of External Providers
  5. P-852 Identification and Traceability
  6. P-1020 Nonconformity and Corrective Actions
  7. AS9100 Rev D
  8. AS9101 Rev F


  1. The Suppliers Quality System may be subject to initial and periodic audits and/or surveys and acceptance by JPC, its customers, and government regulatory agencies (e.g. The Department of Defense and Federal Aviation Administration functions), to the extent required to assure the suppliers conformance to this procedure. The intent of an audit and/or survey is to evaluate the supplier’s quality system to the degree necessary to ensure conformance to requirements, and to detect any changes which could affect the quality of the product.
    1. Right of Access – The right of entry is to be granted to JPC, its customer and/or regulatory agencies as applicable to all facilities involved in the order and applicable documentation. This may include the right to conduct source inspection and the right to witness manufacturing operations inspections and tests as necessary to verify conformance of the product or services. The supplier will provide reasonable facilities, equipment, records and assistance as required satisfying this requirement.
    2. The supplier will certify as a condition of proprietary data that:
      1. All individuals performing work for JPC that is proprietary or export-controlled data are U.S. persons which are U.S. Citizens, permanent resident, or protected persons,
      2. It will not subcontract any portion of the contract without written authorization from JPC.
    3. JPC assigns a quality rating to its suppliers. The rating is based on the suppliers performance as follows:
      1. Consistency in meeting JPC specifications,
      2. Ability to provide appropriate documentation,
      3. Ability to supply quotes in a timely fashion when requested,
      4. Ability to supply quality product/service and
      5. Ability to supply quality product at a competitive cost.
    4. The supplier will maintain a Quality Assurance system which will assure that all material and services submitted to JPC for acceptance meet the requirements of the PO. This requirement applies to material and services manufactured or purchased by the supplier.
    5. The supplier will perform or have performed the inspections and/or tests required to ensure product conformance to drawing, specifications and PO requirements.
    6. The supplier’s inspection system will be documented and available for review by JPC, prior to the initiation of production and during the life of the PO.
    7. The supplier will notify JPC in writing of any change to the suppliers or manufacturing facility location. The inspection system will be subject to disapproval if changes thereto could result in nonconforming product.
  2. Inspection and testing will be prescribed by clear, complete and current instructions. The instructions will assure inspection and test of material, work in process and completed articles as required by specifications and the PO in addition, criteria for acceptance and rejection will be included.
  3. The supplier will maintain adequate records of all inspections and tests. The records will indicate the nature and number of observations made, the number and type of defects found, the quantities accepted and/or rejected and the nature of corrective action taken as appropriate. Retention requirements are as listed unless otherwise specified as follows:
    1. Manufacturing and Inspection -- Twenty Five (25) years
    2. Serial Number Assignment – Twenty Five (25) years
    3. Manufacturing and Inspection Administrative – Six (6) years
  4. The supplier will take prompt action to correct assignable conditions which have resulted or could result in the submission of nonconforming material or services to JPC.
  5. The supplier will respond in the time frame allotted to any Supplier Corrective Action Request from JPC. If the allotted time is not adequate, the supplier may request an extension prior to the expiration of the assigned due date.
  6. The suppliers system will provide controls which will assure that the latest applicable drawings, specifications and instructions required by the PO; as well as authorized changes thereto are used for manufacture, inspection and testing.
  7. The supplier will provide and maintain gages and other measuring and test devices necessary to assure all inspection, measurement and test devices will be calibrated at established intervals against certified masters, which are traceable to national standards. The calibration system will be in accordance with ISO10012 or equivalent. This requirement applies to any production tooling, such as jigs, fixtures, templates and patterns which are used for product acceptance.
  8. Special Process Controls will be an integral part of the inspection system when such processes are part of the PO. As such, special process procedures will not be modified without approval of JPC.
  9. When material is furnished by JPC, the suppliers procedures will include at a minimum, the following:
    1. Examination upon receipt, consistent with practicability to detect damage in transit.
    2. Inspection for completeness and proper type.
    3. Periodic inspection and precautions to assure adequate storage conditions and to guard against damage from handling and/or deterioration during storage.
    4. Identification and protection from improper use and disposition.
    5. Verification of quantity
  10. The supplier will report to JPC any furnished material found damaged or otherwise unsuitable for use. In the event of damage or malfunctioning during or after receipt, the supplier will determine and record probable cause and necessity for withholding the material from use.
  11. The supplier will maintain an effective and positive system for controlling nonconforming material.
  12. Nonconforming material will not be shipped to JPC without prior written authorization and shall submit a complete written report describing the nonconformance, cause and corrective action which will permanently resolve the cause. Unless otherwise instructed by JPC, the supplier will hold such material until JPC dispositions the material.
    1. Nonconformance which can be reworked by repeating part or all of the initial process (other than special process) will be considered as rework and can be accomplished with JPC approval.
    2. Nonconformance which are produced by a special process or do not meet the requirements of Paragraph 5.12.1, will be considered repair items and will require JPC approval prior to performing the repair. These items will be reported in accordance with paragraph 5.12 with the addition of a formal repair procedure
    3. If during gage calibration, rejection analysis, etc., it is determined that nonconforming material may have inadvertently been shipped, JPC will be notified immediately.
  13. Dimensional or visual sampling may be used where the process capability is acceptable and stable.
  14. Subcontracted or purchased material and services will be subjected to receiving inspection and any other controls as required in order to ensure compliance to the PO and this procedure.
  15. Prevention of counterfeit parts.
  16. Definition:
  17. Counterfeit Part
  18. An unauthorized copy, imitation, substitute, or modified part (e.g., material, part, component), which is knowingly misrepresented as a specified genuine part of an original or authorized manufacturer.

    NOTE: Examples of a counterfeit part can include, but are not limited to, the false identification of marking or labeling, grade, serial number, date code, documentation, or performance characteristics."
  19. The Quality team plans, implements, and controls the processes needed for the prevention of counterfeit or suspect counterfeit part use and their inclusion in product for customers.

    Counterfeit part prevention considers one or more process for:
    • Training of persons in the awareness and prevention of counterfeit parts, (per P-720).
    • Controls for acquiring externally provided product from approved sources, original manufacturers, authorized distributors, and monitoring of counterfeit parts reporting from external sources, (per P-840).
    • Requirements for assuring traceability of parts and components to their original authorized manufacturers, (per P-852).
    • Verification and test methodologies to detect counterfeit parts.
    • Quarantine and reporting of suspect or detected counterfeit parts.
  20. JPC retains the right of access to documented information, facilities, training records and/or verification or validation activities.
  21. JPC requires to be ensured that all persons involved with any process of any supplied product or service are aware of:
    • Their contribution to product or service conformity
    • Their contribution to product safety
    • The importance of ethical behavior

1.0Revision History

Rev Date Section Paragraph Summary of change Authorized by
A 04/21/17     Initial issue Kris Petty
B 12/05/17 5.15-5.21 All Added section for flow down requirements Kris Petty
JP Corporation - Precision Machining - Indianapolis, Indiana
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